Wednesday 25 April 2012

Gilda- Spectacle of Emotions

Gilda (1946) has been defined as a film noir due to disturbing narrative themes of ambiguity and violent death, the portrayal of isolated feel of modern cities, the use of conflicted anti-heroes and of beautiful and dangerous female character.  Film noir is seen as the opposition between the light and shadow, between power and seduction and it is distinct in the unsettled sense of claustrophobia and distortion in the story. It seems to reject society's dominant ideology and the importance of shared values, experimenting with alternative formulas against American culture's view of the family. In addition, femmes fatales, one of the most significant aspects of film noir, as described by Swanson (1993) “mark a trajectory in film theory which looks beyond dichotomies that offer a given category of ‘women’ a unitary place in relation to representation (…).”

The main character in the film is constructed as the ultimate femme fatale, idea reinforced by the slogan on the film’s poster "There NEVER was a woman like Gilda.” The character will be analysed in this essay through the dynamic of interaction between her and the male protagonists with regard to the emotions that are resulted, in order to establish the role of the femme fatale in film noir. 

Although viewers might be blinded by her beauty, her character, which is constructed in a complex way, hides various problems in the society and between the relationship of women and men, between the desire of beauty and power. However, feminists have had controversial reactions in accessing the validity of Gilda’s role in portraying women’s personality and their aspirations. For example, Doane (1991, p.2) says that “it would be a mistake to see her as some kind of heroine of modernity.”

First of all, being the source of conflict and the reason of different emerging feelings, the story of the film is build around Gilda. Hayward (2005) suggests  that main characteristic of the fame fatale, apart from her seductiveness, may be her uncontrollability. 

Her uncontrollability, in relation to the patriarchal myth, explains the interpretation of the femme fatale as embodying male fears of female sexuality.  The femme fatale is an attack to the culture we live in, that has been promoting the idea that men have to be in power.  Patriarchal ideologies are therefore threatened by the fatale’s power of cheating the system, daring to combine “feminine beauty and intelligence with sexual assertiveness and (so-called) masculine agency.” (Walker, 2007) However, the inflated uncontrollable female sexuality, which Gilda uses to manipulate the men she is interacting with in the movie, interpreted as female duplicity, both triggers, from the male protagonists, feeling of jealousy and obsession in assessing the fatale’s honesty.  Walker (2007) talks about the fact that “Truth and knowledge are concealed and replaced by the enigma of the femme as multiplication of appearances, a multitude of faces, each one of the apparently false, each progressively shattered.” In the case of Gilda, she is presented as having a past that she is covering with lies, a different personality that she is denying. 

                          (First scene Gilda appears in the movie) 

In addition, numerous close-up frames of Gilda’s face might be seen as an attempt to see behind the image she is portraying, trying to get inside her mind, where the truth may be found. For example, in the first scene Gilda appears, although we are not familiar with the character yet, the use of the mirror emphasizes her desirability and confidence, while the facial expression of Johnny reveals Gilda’s disguise. This suggests that from the beginning of the movie, both the spectator and Ballin are encouraged to question the femme fatale’s honesty, which will be accentuated during the action, a fundamental, intended issue in film noir. 

Furthermore, fatale’s varieties of personality as well as her narcissism are a major source of tension arising from the male protagonists’ doubt regarding her emotional and sexual loyalties.  Doane (1991, p.2) states that “The power accorded to the femme fatale is a function of fears linked to the notions of uncontrollable drives, the fading of subjectivity, and the loss of the conscious agency- all themes of the emergent theories of psychoanalysis.”  The film presents several scenes in which Ballin and Johnny are questioning the loyalty of Gilda, moments that result in images of obsessive need and search of faithfulness. The film conceals whether these emotions are driven by his love for Gilda or because of his manhood. 

Moreover, the relationship between Ballin and Gilda generate other feelings like desire and greed, as well as it shows the correlation between desirability and unpredictability. Both of them have power, for Gilda is the sexual power that can attract any man, while for Ballin is the financial power that can buy any object of desire. For example, in one of the scenes, Ballin tells Gilda “You’re a child, Gilda, a beautiful greedy child. And it amuses me to feed you beautiful things because you eat with so good an appetite.” Their relationship raises the question of who has the power over whom.  

 Nevertheless, Johnny is a major factor in considering that. The idea of power is closely linked to concept of owning and, Martin (1998, p.212) mentions that “Her attraction for them becomes ‘fatale’, not because of anything she does, but because they make the mistake of thinking they can own her…” Moreover, the interaction between the characters shows that danger- the danger of loosing Gilda or the danger of having her real identity discovered- is an exciting feeling, which shakes the mundane boredom. In addition, this feeling is expressed metaphorically thru the location of the event, a casino, and underlined by different representative moments in the film. 

Another aspect that constructs the fatale’s personality is her ambition, the desire of love overlapping with the much stronger attraction to money. This idea implies that the femme fatale may be judged as lacking in moral scruples; she wants everything and not willing to give up on any of those aspects, nonetheless loosing her freedom of playing with her sexuality. The film noir frames the femme fatale both as a monster and as the most desirable woman.

Quart and Auster (2011) suggest that in film noir, "the narrative, no matter how much the camera focused on the predatory sexuality or psychological strength of the female, male dominance was always restored by the film's climax.” Gilda, by the end of the film, is punished for male-female-male triangulation that she instigated and her continuous display of availability, by being trapped in an unbearable relationship, a prison. Furthermore, Doane  (1991, p.2) mentions that this is a common characteristic in the progree of the femme fatale, “the femme fatale is studied as evil and is frequently punished or killed.” 

    (Famous scene when Gilda performs an allusion to a striptease dance)

The renowned moment in which she performs an allusion to a striptease number has been interpreted as an attempt in trying to escape this situation. The last part of the movie shows the character in a very different light. However, feelings of judging her not feelings of compassion are being encouraged by the images presented.

To conclude, Gilda is a representative of the femme fatale, possessing the qualities to create a “psychological obsession” (Duncan, 2000) over the male protagonists she interacts with in the film. Not only that the character herself is a spectacle, but her personality and the way she acts, move the interpretation to the generation of a spectacle of emotions. All in all, the most important aspect of the femme fatale is this ability in awakening deep feelings of jealousy, obsession, ambiguity, allure, uncontrollability, manipulation, desire, greed, and others. To this moment, femme fatale is the most complex female character in film.

Reference list

Doane, M. A.. (1991). Femmes Fatales-Feminism, Film Theory, Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge.

Duncan, P. (2000) Film Noir:  Films of trust and betrayal.  Pocket Essentials

Hayward, S. (2005) Closing Remarks. Cherchez la femme: the Cinematic Femme Fatale, Her History and Transmissions. University of Exeter.

Martin, A.. (1998). “Gilda didn’t do any of those things you’ve been losing sleep over!”: The Central Women of the 40s Film Noirs. Women in Film Noir. London: BFI Pub., 202-228.

Swanson. (1993). Reviews. Screen. 34(2).

Quart, L. and Auster, A.. (2011). American film and society since 1945. Santa Barbara:Praeger.

Walker, D.. (2007). Re-reading the Femme Fatale in Film Noir: an evolutionary perspective.  Journal of Moving Image Studies, 4, pp 25.

Friday 13 April 2012

Are you ashamed to talk about Shame? Shame-Film Review


 Steve McQueen

Shame is a hard-hitting drama, dark and brutal, a master-piece in showing emotions of loneliness, desperation, frustration, all created around the main character’s sex addiction.

A 2011 British drama from director Steve McQueen, starring Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan, Shame is co-produced by Film4 and See-Saw Films and has been released for limited screening on 2nd of December 2011 in the USA. Due to explicit sexual scenes, was rated NC-17 in the United States and even described as “commercial suicide.” Steve McQueen argues that “I chose sex because people don’t want to talk about it. Sex has a stigma that drugs or alcohol no longer have.”(Solomons,Steve McQueen:`I could never make American movies-they like happy endings`)

Steve McQueen, the director, can be said to be a real author, with the public having a certain degree of expectations from his movies, all presenting provocative and controversial themes intended to push the viewer out of his comfort zone into the debate of appartenance and judgment.

Brandon (Michael Fassbender), the main character, is presented as a successful businessman living in New York. His darkest secret which is controlling his life is his struggle with sexual addiction. He is presented in the middle of a lively, intense, crowded Manhattan but still isolated, he is in control of the material things, but his inner feelings and thoughts are baffling, in the same time aggressive and caring to his sister. His character is constructed as a complex personality that will constantly surprise the audience, while making them to identify and judge the character’s actions in the same time.

Sissy (Carey Mulligan) is Brandon’s sister and she is presented in the movie as an obstacle in the addict lifestyle of Brandon. Her character is constructed thru the debate of innocence and trouble seeking, and mainly thru the interaction with Brandon. The viewer is confused by the relation between the two of them that shuffles between anger, companion sense, understanding, hate, sexual arousal. In some scenes Sissy is shown to be judging his brother because of his sexual addiction, but in other scenes she is portrayed to take his place or be his complicit.   

The narrative of the movie is simplistic; it can even be described with no clear, traditional line, but defined as a composition of various scenes that beautifully form the whole. The conversation is kept to minimal, there are few intense lines, while the facial expressions, that are captured by numerous of close ups, tell the story of his obsession. In addition, the soundtrack of the movie highlights different emotions thru out the movie, being a tool in getting further inside the viewer’s mind.

One significant scene in the movie is when Sissy talks to him about the fact that they are family and they are supposed to help each other, but Brandon wants nothing to do with her because he says all she does is drag him down. This argument between the two it is seen as the cause of the madness of events that happen afterwards. Brandon heads out and tries to pick up a woman at a bar, but ends up beaten up by her boyfriend. Beaten, he tries to get inside a nightclub, but is denied entrance. He then goes to a gay bar across the street; a man approaches and kisses him, then has intimate sexual contact with the man. Next scene presents Brandon entering a hotel with two women. When he leaves, he sees that Sissy left a voice mail. He is witness to a train being delayed by an implied suicide further up the tracks. Did she kill herself? What Brandon is going to do? How will the movie finish? Is he going to be "released" of his addiction. This is the thrill of the film.

Shame is not a film for everyone. If offended by sexuality in movies, or looking for an easy digestive scenario, or maybe something to kill the time, Shame is not the right movie. Think about Requiem for a Dream, Drugstore Cowboy, Days of Wine and Roses, they all have appealing names but sure they made for certain market that are enjoying their themes. Shame is a combination between art and psychology, playing with the viewer’s curiosity to see more but also his aversion to the images in front of his eyes.



Thursday 12 April 2012

Representation of ideologies in films

Turner (1993, p.131) states that “The film-maker uses representational conventions and repertoires available within the culture in order to make something fresh, but familiar, new but generic, individual but representative.” Therefore, film can be seen to a certain degree as a `reflection` of reality and, furthermore, a `reflection` of the dominant believes and values of the culture in which it exists, its ideology.

Hess (1978, p.14) describes ideology as “a relatively systematic body of ideas, attitudes, values, and perceptions, as well as, actual modes of thinking (usually unconscious) typical of a given class or group of people in a specific time and place.” However, Turner (1993, p.133) suggests that there is no clear definition of the word ideology, “The term `ideology` is itself continually being redefined, contested, and explored within all areas of cultural theory.”

The first movie that will be analyzed with regard to the ideologies expressed explicitly and implicitly is Bee Movie (2007). By analyzing its narrative structure, and the discourses employed it will be demonstrated that Bee Movie (2007) reinforces the system of beliefs of America. 


The movie starts by presenting the main character, a bee-Barry B. Benson, in his day of graduation. The powerful image of the working class as victims is being constructed throughout the movie. The first important scene is when at the graduation ceremony, the `dean bee` says: “That concludes our graduation ceremony and begins your career at Honex industries.” In addition, the bee in charge of presenting the job options available, Trudy, states “You have worked all your whole life to get to the point where you can work your whole life.” This shows that hegemonic systems are inevitable, controlling and determining. Adam Flayman: “It’s a lot of choices but you only get one!”

The main character is the representative of any individual that has the desire to act against the system in which the population is trapped. Berry B. Benson: “Yellow-black, yellow-black, yellow-black, yellow-black... Oh, black and yellow. Yeah, let's shake it up a little.” Ryan and Kellner (1990, p.109) describes that the “desire to overcome the limited life possibilities which capitalism bestows on its bottom rung is generally limited to individualist forms, which tend to reinforce the founding values and the legitimating ideology of the class system.”

The movie presents a rigidly hierarchized physical environment in which the population lives. Furthermore, the intensely industrialized honey factory can signify the fact that workers are being sacrificed to the machines.

In addition, the power of masses is shown in the process of suing the human race, accused of stealing the honey from the bees. With regard to that, the human race is portrayed as greedy, abusing the nature, having as an excuse the fact that human are entitled to do that. Layton T. Montgomery (the human lawyer): “it's our divine right to benefit from the bounty of nature that God has provided us. (…)” Furthermore, the power of the masses is represented as a real threat for the entire world.

Other values and beliefs present in the movie are the typical family, loyalty to the community members, the forbidden love between individuals from different races, the class classification, the American Dream, the feeling of shame to “speak out”, the commodification of society-Barry. B. Benson: “This sweater is Ralph Lauren”, the disposable of working class individuals, sexuality comments-Barry B. Benson: “This is your queen? That's a guy in women's clothes! That's a drag queen!”, religious comments etc. 

The second movie to be analyzed is The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980).

The movie is constructed on the difference between the wild world and the civilized world, with both criticizing and celebrating the civilized world ideology. The wild man is presented as black, primitive, a bushman, but living in the world where there is, as the narrator says, “No crime, no punishment, no violence, no laws, no police, judges, rulers or bosses.” On the other side, civilized man is described to have “refused to adapt himself to his environment; instead, he adapted his environment to suit him.”

The hegemonic system of the civilized man is ironically introduced by the narrator saying that “Monday and 7:30 comes up, you have to dis-adapt from your domestic surroundings and re-adapt yourself to an entirely different environment.”

Furthermore, the commodification of the civilized world is presented when a bottle of Coke “falls from the sky” in the wild life. If for the civilized man this is part of the every day choices, for the wild man is something strange, the narrator describing it as “the most beautiful thing that they have ever seen.” 

In addition, the bottle of coke, which is so much appreciated by the people living in the wild, is a classic symbol of America. However, this symbol brings with it the sense of property, and plenty of emotions like anger, violence and jealousy. Because of this, Xi, the leader of the group living in the wild decides to go on the mission to throw it of the edge of the world, in which he encounters Western civilization for the first time in his life.

Some of the most important signs in the film are the white ideology, when Xi things that white people are Gods, the racial politics, the concept of “Other”, the power of control of the government, the fact that people are being trapped between walls etc.

Reference List

  • Hess, J. (1978). Film and ideology. Jump cut: A review of contemporary media. 17, p.14-16. 
  • Ryan and Kellner (1990). Camera politica. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. p.109. 
  • Turner (1993). Film as social practice. 2nd ed. London: Routledge.  p.131-133 
  • IMDb, 2007. Bee Movie. [online]. IMDb. Available from: [Accessed 9 April 2012].
  • IMDb, 1980. The gods must be crazy. [online]. IMDb. Available from: [Accessed 11 April 2012].